Submissions from 2024
The impact of Explaining Vegetarian Meal Requests on the Affective Responses and Perceptions of Meat Eaters, Emma Howard and Kate Laffan Dr
Pivoting towards European University Alliances supporting technology entrepreneurship for women: insights from a feminist perspective, Deirdre McQuillan
Submissions from 2022
Essays on Good Practice in Academic Writing: A comparison across business disciplines, Rawayda Abdou, Kevin Paul Corbett, Elun Hack, and Deirdre McQuillan
Submissions from 2021
Synergies in scholarship at the research teaching nexus, Deirdre McQuillan
Synergies in Scholarship at the Research Teaching Nexus at TU Dublin: Building Research Synergies into Teaching Activity Workshop, Deirdre McQuillan
The value of leadership practices when there is no one to lead: A nascent entrepreneurship context, Lucia Walsh and Bruce Martin