Document Type
Theses, Ph.D
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence
5.2 ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, Business and Management.
This thesis is a pioneering study, exploring the relationship between immigrant enclaves (IE) and transnational diaspora entrepreneurship (TDE) in the unique context of a Nigerian immigrant community in Dublin. The study reviews the relevant literature in the field of immigrant entrepreneurship, adopting principles from the most significant studies in order to develop a conceptual model for understanding the relationship between an IE and TDE. The study employed qualitative semi-structured interviews with eleven participants in order to generate data, which was then processed through the six phases of thematic analysis described by Braun and Clarke. The researcher’s own experience as a member of the Nigerian diaspora introduced a unique interpretative perspective. The participants were all Irish citizens of Nigerian origin, resident in the Dublin suburb of Blanchardstown and either engaged in TDE activity or proposing to initiate a TDE enterprise involving commercial interaction between Ireland and Nigeria in the near future. The analysis and interpretation of the literature and data set produced a unique contribution to the fields of IE and TDE studies. This work presents novel findings in three areas: (a) understanding the process of IE formation in a unique Irish context; (b) explaining how specific country of origin (COO) cultural predispositions impact on immigrant entrepreneurship; and (c) elucidating how an IE environment plays a key role in facilitating TDE activity. Related research on IE and TDE has tended to focus on issues related to international business, money remittances and investment activities, with scant attention given to the link between IE and TDE (Brzozowski, Cucculelli and Surdej, 2017). Consequently, a possible relationship between IE and TDE activity in a country of residence (COR) has been largely overlooked. The present study lays the foundations for further research into the nature of this relationship.
Recommended Citation
Osaghae, O.G. (2020) What is the Relationship between Immigrant Enclaves and Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurial Activity in Ireland?, Doctoral Thesis, Technological University Dublin. doi:10.21427/wb8z-9d07
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Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Business Intelligence Commons
Publication Details
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020.