Submissions from 2007
Spectroscopic Characterisation of Novel Polycyclic Aromatic Polymers, Luke O'Neill, Patrick Lynch, Mary McNamara, and Hugh Byrne
Vibrational Characterisation and Fluorescence Optimisation of Polycyclic Polymers, Luke O'Neill, Patrick Lynch, Mary McNamara, and Hugh Byrne
Submissions from 2006
A Dose Threshold for a Medium Transfer Bystander Effect for a Human Skin Cell Line, Zhengfeng Liou, Carmel Mothersill, Fiona McNeill, Fiona Lyng, Soo Hyun Byun, Colin Seymour, and William Prestwich
Apoptosis is Initiated in Human Keratinocytes Exposed to Signalling Factors from Microbeam Irradiated Cells, Fiona Lyng, Paula Maguire, A. Kilmurray, Carmel Mothersill, C. Shao, M. Folkard, and K. Prise
The Involvement of Calcium and MAP Kinase Signaling Pathways in the Production of Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects, Fiona Lyng, Paula Maguire, B. McClean, C. Seymour, and Carmel Mothersill
Submissions from 2005
Interaction of Carbon Nanotubes with Sugar Complexes, Alan Casey, Gordon Farrell, Mary McNamara, Hugh Byrne, and Gordon Chambers
Temperature Dependent Spectroscopic Studies of HiPco SWNT Composites, Sinead Keogh, Theresa Hedderman, Garrett Farrell, M Ruether, Elizabeth Gregan, Mary McNamara, Gordon Chambers, and Hugh Byrne
Temperature Dependent Spectroscopic Studies of HiPco SWNT Composites, Sinead Keogh, Theresa Hedderman, Gerald Farrell, M. Ruether, Elizabeth Gregan, Mary McNamara, Gordon Chambers, and Hugh Byrne
Structural Property Relationships in Conjugated Polymers, Patrick Lynch, Luke O'Neill, J. Whelan, Mary McNamara, and Hugh Byrne
Medium from Irradiated Cells Induces a Dose Dependent Expression of Mitochondrial Changes and BCL2 Responses in Unirradiated Human Keratinocytes, Paula Maguire, Carmel Mothersill, C. Seymour, and Fiona Lyng
A Study Examining the Effects of Tissue Processing on Human Tissue Sections using Vibrational Spectroscopy, Eoghan O'Faolain, Mary Hunter, Joe Byrne, Peter Kellehan, Mary McNamara, Hugh Byrne, and Fiona Lyng
Submissions from 2004
Ionizing Radiation Induces a Stress Response in Primary Cultures of Rainbow Trout Skin, Fiona Lyng, M. Lyons-Alcantara, P. Owell, Sharon Ni Shuilleabhain, Colin Seymour, D. Cottell, and Carmel Mothersill
Submissions from 2003
Characterization of the Interaction of Gamma Cyclodextrin with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Gordon Chambers, Clodagh Carroll, Garrett Farrell, Alan Dalton, Mary McNamara, Marc in het Panhuis, and Hugh Byrne
Submissions from 2002
Initiation of Apoptosis in Cells Exposed to Medium from the Progeny of Irradiated Cells: a Possible Mechanism for "Bystander" induced Genomic Instability., Fiona Lyng, B. Maguire, B. McClean, C. Seymour, and Carmel Mothersill
Submissions from 2001
Controlling the Optical Properties of a Conjugated Co-polymer through Variation of Backbone Isomerism and the Introduction of Carbon Nanotubes, A. Dalton, J. Coleman, M. in Het Panhuis, B. McCarthy, A. Drury, W. Blau, J. Nunzi, and Hugh Byrne
Submissions from 2000
Cell surface effects of androgens between 1 pM and 100 nM on rat sertoli cells and two human prostatic cell lines, LNCaP and PC3: evidence for two membrance receptors, Fiona Lyng, G. R. Jones, and F. F.G. Rommerts
Submissions from 1999
Experimental Observation of Individual Single Wall Nanotube Species by Raman Microscopy, G. S. Duesberg, W. Blau, Hugh Byrne, J. Muster, M. Burghard, and S. Roth
Submissions from 1998
Measurement of Degree of Order in Mixed Polarised Fluorescent Polymer Liquid Crystal Films, Andrew Davey, Robert Howard, Bernd Lahr, and Hugh Byrne
Submissions from 1991
Degnerate Four-Wave Mixing in Rhodamine Doped Epoxy Waveguides, B. Rossi, Hugh Byrne, and W. Blau