Document Type
Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence
5.3 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, *training, *pedagogy
The Know-Hubs project offers a unique opportunity for the partners to share experience about the operations and functions of knowledge centres, to identify different ways of working, to explore the diverse services provided, consider the different missions and to develop relevant state-of-the-art resources for use. The Know-Hubs project will allow for the transfer of knowledge between both the partners and the organisations of interest. The project will enable both direct and indirect engagement of participants from different sectors and in a range of country settings. This engagement will assist in mapping out; innovations, best practice and useful resources. Additionally, the networking will contribute to the development of support tools and resources. The partners recognise the need to further strengthen European cooperation and integration. The partners realise that education and training cooperation, provision of high-quality services and equal access to new communities will be central in meeting the challenges that Europe is facing. The partners understand there are emergent and differing needs and demands within each country relating to new communities, such as, work force and unemployment, migration and immigration, urban versus rural development and equality of access to education and funding. The partners acknowledge that complex social problems can best be resolved by all parties working together and by sharing knowledge and evidence to inform decision making. The Know-Hubs project explores the impact of knowledge centres and the contribution they make towards meeting the local needs and demands of rural communities and regions.
Recommended Citation
Kenny, A. et al. (2020) Local knowledge centres as development hubs in rural regions, Know-Hub Project, Erasmus+ funded.
EU Erasmus+
Publication Details
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project