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2. ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Architecture engineering, Construction engineering

Publication Details

Patrick Daly, Paolo Ronchetti, Tom Woolley. (2012) Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Building Material in Irish Construction, Environmental Protection Agency STRIVE Report 2012 Ireland.



This report presents the findings of scoping study into the potential application of hemp lime biocomposite as a construction material in Irish context. The research was carried out under STRIVE funding administered under the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) examining the state of play of hemp lime in construction toward assessing its potential application in Ireland.

The research involved a range of methods, mainly qualitative, including significant literature review and extensive collation of data on hemp lime performance and testing data, semi structured interviews and field work / review of key case studies in Ireland, UK and Europe.

The study identified the principle applications of hemp in construction, focusing on hemp lime as an insulative infill within framed construction and for masonry application, and mapped out emerging and key case applications, along with examination of some of its key thermal, moisture and carbon sequestration properties.

The core of the study was the collation of a significant body of detailed technical building performance characteristics and properties from literature, such as binders, mixes, density, mass, thermal conductivity, strength, fire resistance etc., (which are provided in detailed table format), as a basis for comparison to requirements within Irish building regulations under structure, fire, moisture, acoustics, energy, material and workmanship.

While there were limitations and complexity in cross comparison of data due to diversity of materials, mixes, testing methods etc. the study provided growing evidence that hemp lime has important potential to become a mainstream biobased construction solution with knowledge gaps and research needs identified.



Irish Government

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