Practice Papers

Document Type

Conference Paper


This paper describes a study, with the objective of evaluating the possibilities of knowledge construction through collaborative learning (CL) in the innovative Padlet environment. During the practical classes of a math curricular unit of an engineering course, activities and assessments were carried out using Padlet. Program themes are organized by columns as a wall. Each students group accesses a problem proposal using a QR-Code. In the first part of the class, the group must solve the problem correctly, using all the materials and technologies they deem necessary. In the second part, each group will correct another group’s problem. The teacher provides the necessary support with the role of advisor in carrying out the proposed problems. Through the direct observation of the teacher during CL classes using Padlet, the experiences of the authors and the evaluation of the students in these contents, it was possible to collect information that allowed demonstrating that the students developed capacities and reached competences, some of them specific to professionals in the area of this course. Students’ opinion gathered with a questionnaire will also be very important data to be presented regarding their interest in this collaborative activity. In conclusion, this paper will describe, analyse, and discuss the interest in using a CL environment for the development of knowledge and for student motivation in teaching/learning math for engineers. Students’ perspectives will be observed regarding their motivation and interest, allowing teachers to expand the range of perspectives on the contents covered and enriching the necessary discussions for future activities development.


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