Practice Papers

Document Type

Conference Paper


The computing ethics landscape is changing rapidly, as new technologies become more complex and pervasive, and people choose to interact with them in new and distinct ways. The resultant interactions are more novel and less easy to categorise using traditional ethical frameworks. It is important that developers of these technologies do not live in an ethical vacuum, that they think about the consequences of their creations, and take measures to prevent others being harmed by their work. To equip developers to rise to this challenge and create a positive future for the use of technology, it important that ethics becomes a central element of computer science education. To this end, the Ethics4EU project has developed curricula on a wide range of topics including privacy and agency of personal information, digital literacy, data governance and accountability, surveillance applications, algorithmic decision and automating human intelligence for robotics and autonomous vehicles. Crucially the content examines computing ethics, not only in terms of hardware and software, but how systems, people, organisations and society interact with technology.In this paper, we present our interdisciplinary approach to developing educational content for AI Ethics. This includes accessible teaching materials, in-class activities, sample assessments, practical guidelines and instructor guides. We discuss findings of an evaluation of the developed content with undergraduate computer science students.


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