Document Type



Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


Social topics, Social issues, Social sciences

Publication Details

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics


The aim of this research is to sensitise readers to issues of inclusion and exclusion on campus at ITB in order to deepen our capacity to empathise with our students in a meaningful, accessible and evocative way in relation to ethnicity and/or nationality. Using Photovoice Methodology (PVM), the objective is to investigate the use of space and place that students occupy on campus. The outcomes of the research through images and text reveal surroundings on campus that students find inclusive and exclusive. The paper begins with a review of the literature salient to the topic. Then follows a description of PVM as a site of social import for inclusion and belonging at ITB so that the students could express inclusion and exclusion from their perspectives. The analysis, findings and discussion interrogates the images and text to reveal patterns, draw conclusions and provide recommendations on how the campus of ITB can be more inclusive for all students.

