"Wind resource in the urban environment" by Derek Joseph Kearney


Renewable energy technologies, such as wind
turbines, have to be considered for new building
over 1000m2 under the Energy Performance of
Buildings Directive (2002). Accurate assessment of
the wind resource is a key component in the success
of a wind installation. Designers, planners and
architects also need wind data from urban areas to
support low-energy building design, natural
ventilation, air quality, pollution control, insurance
and wind engineering.

Over the last six years instrumentation has been installed at the Dublin
Institute of Technology (DIT) in two separate locations
to monitor the wind. The data has shown that the
wind resource will vary quite considerably on a given
site and this is due to local variations in topography,
and other factors associated with wind and
turbulence in the built environment. Difficulties
were encountered in measuring the wind and
turbulence on site. IEC 61400-12-1: 2005 states that
“... analytical tools (anemometers presently available)
offer little help in identifying the impact of these
variables, and experimental methods encounter
equally-serious difficulties.” The practical experience
of measuring wind in the urban environment
informed the development of a prototype
anemometer that may be capable of digitally
mapping accurate real-time three-dimensional data
on wind speed, wind direction and, uniquely in the
field of wind instrumentation, wind turbulence.

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