Document Type

Theses, Masters


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Publication Details

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Technological University Dublin for the degree of M.Sc. in Computing (Data Analytics)


Classical and Deep Learning methods are quite common approaches for anomaly detection. Extensive research has been conducted on single point anomalies. Collective anomalies that occur over a set of two or more durations are less likely to happen by chance than that of a single point anomaly. Being able to observe and predict these anomalous events may reduce the risk of a server’s performance. This paper presents a comparative analysis into time-series forecasting of collective anomalous events using two procedures. One is a classical SARIMA model and the other is a deep learning Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) model. It then looks to identify if an influx of message events have an impact on CPU and memory performance. The findings of the study conclude that SARIMA was suitable for time series modeling due to the elimination of heteroskedasticity once transformations were implemented, however it was not suitable for anomaly detection based on an existing level shift in the data. The deep learning LSTM model resulted in more accurate time-series predictions with a better ability to be able to handle this level shift. The findings also concluded that an influx of event messages did not have an impact on CPU and memory performance.
