Technological University Dublin: Open Access Self-Archiving Policy
In line with international practice to ensure wider dissemination of research to maximise its visibility, accessibility and scientific impact for society and the economy, Technological University Dublin supports free online open access to this body of work. Accordingly, Technological University Dublin has developed an Institutional Repository, Arrow@TU Dublin, which requires self-archiving of research results by each researcher.
Technological University Dublin Policy on Open Access Self-Archiving
Academic staff, research assistants, research students and other members of the university are entitled and required to deposit digital copies of refereed and other research publications and documents. Other scholarly material which has been displayed, performed or publicly shown, to the extent that this material constitutes work carried out in the course of employment or relates to or is capable of relating to the business of the university, should also be deposited.
Such material should be deposited as full-text in the institutional repository
Exceptionally, material that is to be commercialised, or which can be regarded as confidential, or the publication of which would infringe a legal commitment of the university and/or the author, is exempt from inclusion in the repository.
Uploading of items into is the responsibility of authors and researchers. It is desirable that items be self-archived. However, this task may be delegated to others or to Library Services.
All deposits of journal articles must comply with Publishers’ policies.
The Repository Manager, Ms Yvonne Desmond, acting for the university, will have the right to restrict access to individual digital deposited files until issues of external publisher’s agreements and intellectual property rights have been fully addressed.