Document Type

Theses, Ph.D



Publication Details

Ph.D. Dissertation by Stefan Meissner. Technological University Dublin – Tallaght Campus Department of Business, April 2024.


This research aims to design a cloud computing IT framework for the online printing industry based on a detailed literature review, the development of proof of concepts (PoC), and the conduction of a focus group. The framework can be adopted by the online printing industry or by vendors of print-specific applications to optimize their products for the online printing industry. The author has been working in the online printing process optimization and automation since 2007. During this time, he got deep insight into many industry-specific applications, their architectural design, and their challenges being used in the context of online printing. While conducting this research, the author identified a gap between what cloud computing technologies can do and how systems are designed in the (online) printing industry. This research's cloud computing IT framework aims to close this gap. The author has published the proof of concept of the cloud computing IT framework as an Open Source project on GitHub ( The project can be considered a technological guideline and/or starting point for online printing houses to build large-scale cloud-based IT systems and software vendors aiming to develop applications for the online printing business.


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
