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Conference Paper


Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


5.3 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, *training, *pedagogy, *didactics

Publication Details

19th annual Academic Practice and Technology (APT) conference on Reflecting for the future; higher education in disruptive times, UCL, LSE and Imperial College London, 2 July.


In March 2020, teaching and learning (T&L) in higher education pivoted online and in 2021 the disruption to traditional formsofteaching, learning and assessment continues. Like many other academic development programmes, our PG Cert programme pivoted online effectively and efficiently. Programme evaluation data (June 2020)reported that modelling of online teaching and learning within our programme helped lecturers teach online, facilitate peer interaction among their students and assisted informed change in assessment practices to suit the online context.At the heart of our programme’s ethos lies a commitment to community building among students. However, the art of gathering is more than bringing students into a virtual room. Design and careful planning is necessary to elevate a learning experience from modes of presence to participation and to foster a sense of belonging for students within that learning environment. Also given the Pandemic context, a period where the effects of isolation from other people and society were felt acutely, the programme team felt it vital that time was designated for check-ins with participants of the learning environment. Bali (2020) advocates a Pedagogy of care, an approach that demonstrates a genuine concern for students’ wellbeing and life experiences.

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