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Document Type

Theses, Ph.D



Publication Details

This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, School of Media Technological University Dublin, October 2023.


This thesis presents a study of the game design process in higher education. The PhD research makes several contributions to the field by developing a model of game design learning through the analysis of qualitative data and creating a number of learning supports informed by this model. The research also proposes the signature pedagogy of game design learning as the studio project and explores the relationship between game design and other design disciplines. These contributions advance the understanding and practice of game design education, benefiting researchers, educators, and designers. As the popularity of digital games has grown in the 21st century, so has the provision of higher education programmes in game design. However, our understanding of the game design process and pedagogical approaches to it arguably remain limited. This project seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the game design learning process within higher education. This research is situated within the sub-discipline of game design research, combining the practices and theories of design with the game design process. The research involved two interview studies, an observational study and a series of educational interventions. The first interview study was conducted with practising game designers to understand the practice of game design. A follow-up study was conducted with game design educators to understand the structuring of game design learning within higher education. The observational study involved the analysis of design outputs such as games, fieldnotes and developer logs from a 6-week student game design project. Informed by this knowledge a model of game design learning was developed, leading to a series of educational supports that were created for use within the game design classroom. The findings provide an understanding of game design learning and supports for use within game design education.

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