Document Type

Book Chapter


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Bioprocessing technologies, 4. AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology

Publication Details

Processing and impact on active components in food. Elsevier/Academic Press, London, UK.


Cabbage is considered an excellent source ofpolyphenolswith substantial antioxidant properties associated with the alleviation of oxidative stress and the prevention of free-radical mediated diseases. Many cabbage varieties are typically blanched prior to consumption mainly to enhance associated sensory attributes. Conventional hot water (80-100°C) or steam blanching are the most industrially applied methods. Blanching causes adverse losses in the antioxidant capacity of cabbage with over 70% resultingwithin the first few minutes. Blanching time, water to cabbage ratio and cabbage variety are the main determinants of the extent of antioxidant losses. The effect of the blanching temperature is of a lesssignificance particularlywithin 80-100°C. High temperatures and short blanching times would reduce antioxidants degradation in cabbage while also resulting in optimized sensory and quality attributes. The chapter concludesonthe importance of antioxidant considerations when specifyingtime-temperature combinations for cabbage blanching.



Irish government under the Technological Sector Research Scheme (Strand III) of the National Development Plan.
