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The Fourth Industrial Revolution was and s till is focused on digitalising processes and using AI to increase productivity. Industry 5.0, on the other hand, focuses on the human factor and the human as the centre of the production process. According to the new paradigm, technology should benefit humans, and human s, in turn, should actively collaborate with machines. In other words, while Industry 4.0 wa s based on the relationship between machines and IT systems, Industry 5.0 brings together the strengths of humans and machines. Following this train of thought, we have come up with the idea to initiate a discussion about the future of teaching and learning in the field of higher education (which will figuratively be designated as PEDAGOGY 5.0) at this year’s edition of the Technologies and Techniques to Support Sust ainable Education in the Academic Sphere Forum . Our invitation is extended to all interest ed in the multiple issues and challenges that contemporary teaching and learning are facing: students, postgraduates, lecturers, young and established academics and r esearchers , etc. , and would like to share their visio n of how learning can build on creativity, entrepreneurship, flexibility and thinking outside the box.
Recommended Citation
Peev, I., Todorov, T., Morales, L., Pop, L. (eds.) (2024). ELaRA Conference - Techniques and Technologies to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere. Conference Proceedings, Year II, Book 2, Vol 1, 2024, Technological University of Sofia.
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Publication Details
Techniques and Technologies to Support Sustainable Education in the Academic Sphere: Conference Proceedings, Year 2, Book 2, Vol 1, 2024
Published by Technical University of Sofia.
(Member of EUT+: European University of Technology).