Using Storytelling Tools for Students Presentations

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Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence

Publication Details

This article appears on the TELU website.TELU is a collection of free online courses, specifically designed to help educators to get the most out of technology, which can support and enhance teaching and learning. TELU is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The project is led by the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning in Cork Institute of Technology with project partners Technological University Dublin, University College Dublin, Institute of Technology Tralee and University College Cork.


As a response to increased group size, I have been developing the use of “digital storytelling” as an alternative form of oral assessment. As well as completing a face-to-face oral assignment, some of my groups produce animated slideshows with a voiceover in lieu of formal presentations. The following article which I contributed to the TELU (Technology Enhanced Learning for You) website in July 2016 describes my approach.


